Friday, October 4, 2013

What's In Your Bag?

I spent the evening before the opening day of archery season going over my gear and packing...and re-packing my backpack.  I had just emptied my bag for the third time when my girlfriend, Karen, walked into the room and asked if I really needed all of that "stuff."

I guess we bowhunters tend to carry a good amount of gear, or "stuff," with us that we simply "can't do without."  In my bag, I have several knives and other blades for field dressing.  A small foldable saw for trimming shooting lanes.  An extra pack of broadheads.  A small first-aid kit and a lighter.  My scent bottles and the various dispensers that I use.  We can't forget the release, range-finder, and the binoculars.  The notebook I use to help track all of my hunts, therma-cell, snacks, and a water bottle round out the contents of my bag.

If I had to choose, I think the therma-cell would be my most important piece of equipment, especially in the early part of the season.  I don't believe I would be able to sit still without the therma-cell keeping all of those blood-thirsty gnats at bay.

So with archery season already started or about to, what "stuff" are you packing?  What one item in your pack is most important to you and why?  In short, what's in your bag?

- Kevin "Roo" Mennett


  1. This year I am packing my bag a little different. This year I am introducing my 9 yr old son to the great sport of archery hunting. I have his iPod to keep him from getting bored and lots of snacks to keep us from getting hungry and drinks to wash it down.

    The usual equipment is the rangefinder, release, safety harness rope, knife, saw and the most important piece of equipment is FACEPAINT. One must put on the war paint if they want to be successful. At least that is what I tell my son, lol.

    Cory Mennett

  2. Within my hunting pack you will find all sorts of stuff, most of it I don’t use, but when you are in the woods you never know what you will need. I always have a pair of panty hose to use as an arm guard (it works great for holding puffy winter hunting cloths back) guys, don’t be too ashamed to ask your lady friend for an old pair. Next thing I always keep in my bag is an extra release, because you never know when your old one will break, get lost, or fall out of the tree. The last two items I always have in my bag are a small saw to cut branches out of the way and my phone, because you never know what you will see that you want to capture with the camera.
