The 2014 Outdoor's Show is sporting both a new name (The Great American Outdoor Show) and new management, The National Rifle Association. As all of you most likely remember, last year's show was cancelled when many exhibitors, guest speakers, and outdoors enthusiasts pulled out and boycotted the show to show support for our 2nd amendment. What an awesome display of what can be accomplished when we come together! I am pleased to tell you that the NRA put together a fantastic show that was superior in many ways to the old show.
Due to the threat of yet another winter storm, Cory and I decided that Friday would be a better day to attend the show. Cory was hoping to talk with the guide he hunted with last year in Montana, (Cody Carr's Hunting Adventures) and take in a seminar on predator hunting by Abner Druckenmiller. I wanted to see the Wensel brothers and pick up another one of their books. I was also hoping to catch a seminar by Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulio. Cory and I were able to attend the seminars and we picked up some valuable knowledge that we plan to put to good use this upcoming season.
The highlight of the show for me was getting the opportunity to talk with Ralph and Vicki after their seminar. They are true ambassadors for our sport. I have spoken with them several times before and I am always impressed with just how gracious and down to earth they are. Ralph and I talked with each other for over half an hour. We shared hunting stories about ourselves and those close to us. He seemed truly excited to hear about Brayden's (Cory's son) first deer. We ended our conversation with Ralph giving me his card and telling me to keep in touch. Thanks Ralphi!
After the seminars, Cory and I wondered around taking in the sights. It is honestly amazing just how large the show is. It would be impossible to see everything offered in just one day; and believe me, we tried! If you enjoy the outdoors, you owe it to yourself to attend next year's show. If you go, be sure to stop by the NRA's booth and join; it is something we all should do.