Monday, June 9, 2014

2014 Turkey Season

Hunter:  Brayden Mennett             Photo by:  Skylar Hicks

The 2014 turkey season provided the Ridge Runner Crew with some exciting moments as well as some frustrating ones.  Kaitlyn Price and Brayden Mennett both scored on nice birds; Kaitlyn's bird came from West Virginia while Brayden's came from Pennsylvania.  I misjudged the yarding on a huge gobbler and sent my arrow flying harmlessly  under him.  Cory has assured me that he has it all on video and will be posting it soon.  (Thanks little brother!!) 

 We nicknamed the bird I missed "Magic" because he seemed to be magically blessed.  Cory and I had several encounters with Magic but things always seemed to work in his favor.  Wade James from the Flood City Hitmen even had an opportunity at Magic, with Magic coming out the winner yet again.  (Sorry Wade, at least Cory doesn't have your miss on video!)

Without a doubt, my favorite memory of the season was sharing a blind with my niece Skylar and having the chance to watch Brayden kill his first gobbler.  Cory and I have been taking Brayden turkey hunting since he was five.  He has had plenty of encounters, in fact, we call him the "Turkey Magnet"!  You can view Brayden's hunt on our website.

All in all, the season was a huge success.  We got some video (both hits and misses), shared time in the field with good friends and mentored a couple new turkey hunters.  When it comes down to it, it is the memories we create that are the real trophies we should strive to collect.

Kaitlyn Price and her father, Scott Price

Saturday, March 29, 2014

SIZE Matters

Recently, I was talking with an acquaintance who I know is fairly new to bow hunting.  When I asked how his season went, he answered that he "only killed a small fork-horn".  He seemed embarrassed and apologetic for doing so. I was quick to point out to him that ANY deer ethically taken with archery gear is a trophy in my book.  He simply shrugged off my comment.  I couldn't believe it!  

It is unfortunate, but this is not the only conversation of this type that I've had.  I say unfortunate because it appears to be happening more and more; especially among bow hunters.  Hunters are focusing on the size of the animals and, like my acquaintance, seem disappointed and feel they have to apologize for taking an animal that fails to make it into some record book.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm just like everyone else, I dream of monster bucks too.  I pass up a handful (a small handful) of deer each season.  Not because I consider myself a trophy hunter or something special.  It's simply because I am fortunate to have access to property that has an ample amount of deer and because I enjoy spending time on stand.  I never want my season to come to an end. Filling memories is more important to me than filling tags. 

So, does size matter, you bet it does!  The SIZE of your memories matter! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Great American Outdoor Show

The 2014 Outdoor's Show is sporting both a new name (The Great American Outdoor Show) and new management, The National Rifle Association.  As all of you most likely remember, last year's show was cancelled when many exhibitors, guest speakers, and outdoors enthusiasts pulled out and boycotted the show to show support for our 2nd amendment.  What an awesome display of what can be accomplished when we come together!  I am pleased to tell you that the NRA put together a fantastic show that was superior in many ways to the old show.

Due to the threat of yet another winter storm, Cory and I decided that Friday would be a better day to attend the show.   Cory was hoping to talk with the guide he hunted with last year in Montana, (Cody Carr's Hunting Adventures) and take in a seminar on predator hunting by Abner Druckenmiller.  I wanted to see the Wensel brothers and pick up another one of their books.  I was also hoping to catch a seminar by Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulio.  Cory and I were able to attend the seminars and we picked up some valuable knowledge that we plan to put to good use this upcoming season.

The highlight of the show for me was getting the opportunity to talk with Ralph and Vicki after their seminar.  They are true ambassadors for our sport.  I have spoken with them several times before and I am always impressed with just how gracious and down to earth they are.  Ralph and I talked with each other for over half an hour.  We shared hunting stories about ourselves and those close to us.  He seemed truly excited to hear about Brayden's (Cory's son) first deer.  We ended our conversation with Ralph giving me his card and telling me to keep in touch.   Thanks Ralphi!

After the seminars, Cory and I wondered around taking in the sights.  It is honestly amazing just how large the show is.  It would be impossible to see everything offered in just one day; and believe me, we tried!  If you enjoy the outdoors, you owe it to yourself to attend next year's show.  If you go, be sure to stop by the NRA's booth and join; it is something we all should do.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Winter Tracks

As I slowly hunted my way through the farm, I came upon several tracks in the snow.  I quickly realized that I was not the only hunter in the woods.  It was not the tracks of another flintlock hunter, but those of a small pack of coyotes. 

I have always been interested in hunting coyote but never really devoted a lot of time to it.  Fellow Ridge Runner, Brian Oleksa and I have started a yearly tradition.  We take a weekend in February and hunt coyotes at his camp.  We have been doing this for three years now but have yet to bag a “yote”.  We have had some encounters but no shots fired.  It seems that with each year,  we gain a little bit of knowledge and get a little bit closer to getting a shot off.

Coyotes seem to be getting more attention lately. Pennsylvania is looking into offering a $25.00 bounty on all coyotes killed inside the state's borders.  I am not sure if this means there is a coyote numbers problem or what their impact has been on our deer herds.  I would feel safe in saying that surely something is amiss if the state is offering a bounty on the coyote.

With the deer season coming to a close here in Pennsylvania, many hunters are getting ready to put away their guns.  Why not keep them out a bit longer and match wits with the wiley old coyote?  If you are anything like me, more time in the woods is always a blessing.  

Cory Mennett

Friday, January 3, 2014

Pennsylvania's Tradition: Flintlock Hunting

To some, Pennsylvania's flintlock season is a way to fill a deer tag, to others its a chance to take a step back in history, to me it is simply another excuse to enjoy the outdoors and have some fun.  It took my brother Cory some time to convince me to put down my bow in the late archery season and pick up the flintlock.  I was extremely skeptical at first, as I didn't feel it offered the challenges bow hunting did.  I quickly found out that hunting with the "smoke pole" is definitely not an easy undertaking.  Hunting deer that have been harassed for months with a weapon that offers limited range and has a tendency not to fire when it is supposed to, offers up numerous challenges!

It is my understanding that Pennsylvania is the only state that offers a specified traditional flintlock season.  The state first offered a flintlock season in 1974 to a select 37 state game lands.  It would eventually be offered state wide in 1979.  The tradition of these rifles runs deep in the state of Pennsylvania.

2013 marks the fourth flintlock season I have been fortunate enough to take part in.  I have had some incredible experiences shared with family and friends in Pennsylvania's beautiful wintery woods.  I have had more misses, misfires, and mishaps than I would like to admit.  To be honest, I have enjoyed each and every one of them.  Cory refers to misfires and misses as simply "all the fun and none of the work".  I think I would agree with him. 

 This past week I was invited by my brother-in-law and new Ridge Runner, Jamie Hicks, to hunt with him.  I was blessed with the opportunity to harvest a nice doe.  She presented an early morning shot and was foolish enough to stick around when the gun failed to fire.  I quickly reset the hammer and took aim; this time the flint ignited the powder and my aim proved true.  When the smoke cleared, I could see the white belly of the doe lying exactly where she stood when I fired.  I quickly said a small prayer for the life of the animal and gave thanks for the food she will provide.  It is something I have done with each deer I have harvested.  I feel it is only right, it is a sign of respect.

If you haven't given flintlock hunting a try, you owe it to yourself to try it once.  I'll bet if you do, you'll be hooked, just like I was!  Keep your powder dry and your aim small!  Good luck.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day Thank You

The Ridge Runner Crew would like to offer our thanks to all those men and women who have served past and present.  We extend our sincere appreciation to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this great nation; you are not forgotten.

I'd like to take this opportunity to give a special thanks to my Grandfather, Roy C. Mennett, my personal Hero.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) comes to Pennsylvania

I recently was sent a letter from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Game Commission addressing the fact that CWD had been detected in their state.  I wanted to take the time to share the letter with you:
PA Game Commission CWD Letter Page 1
PA Game Commission CWD Letter Page 2